Course Details

Nursing Assistant Role Training

About Nursing Course

Principles include such things as comfort measures, assistance with daily living activities, environmental concerns, positioning and transporting, asepsis and sterile technique, promoting safety, communicating with clients, family and health team, and special care situations for sick people with specific illnesses. 

Concepts related to nursing fundamentals and nursing care is integrated throughout the course.

Course Requirement

  • Instructional / Methods / Activities Assessments.
  • This course consists of a series of activities and assessments to assist you in achieving the outcomes/objectives for the course.
  • Each unit to complete applies various combinations of assignments, activities and readings.
  • Strategies that may be used include: lecture, discussion, demonstration, media resources (YouTube and others), role playing, simulation, team-based learning strategies, audio-visual aids, study and practice groups, case study and practical skills.

Nursing Course lessons

This module provides an overview of the nursing profession and the role of nursing assistants within it.

This module covers communication techniques for effective interaction with patients, family members, and healthcare professionals.

This module focuses on the basic patient care skills needed for nursing assistants, such as bathing, dressing, and feeding patients.

This module covers how to prevent the spread of infections in a healthcare setting and how to follow proper safety procedures.

This module covers how to take vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiration.

This module covers basic first aid techniques and how to respond to emergency situations in a healthcare setting.

This module covers the legal and ethical considerations that nursing assistants must take into account when providing care to patients.

This final module prepares students for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam, including study strategies and exam-taking skills.

CNA Course Details

Our nursing assistance course is designed for individuals who are interested in starting a career as a nursing assistant. The course covers a wide range of topics, from patient care and communication skills to infection control and safety procedures.

Students will learn about the roles and responsibilities of nursing assistants in different healthcare settings, as well as the legal and ethical considerations that apply to this profession.


72 hours (3 Months)


- Classroom (Face-To-Face) - Online
- Superflexi (@ your convenient time)


- All Working Days
- Know More About Timing


Confused Still.?

If you are interested in starting a rewarding career in nursing assistance and want to receive high-quality training that can prepare you for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) exam, then submit the form and enroll in our nursing assistance training course today.